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Welcome to AKEZA FASHION, where we provide stylish and modest outwear for individuals of all shapes and sizes. I am Marlene Bikorimana, the founder and CEO of AKEZA FASHION, and I am proud to share my passion for fashion with the world. After receiving numerous compliments on my fashion sense over the years, I decided to turn my love for fashion into a business. In 2022, AKEZA FASHION was born, with the help of my younger siblings. The road to creating the brand was not easy, as I balanced the responsibilities of being a wife, mother, full-time employee, student, and starting a business. However, with determination, hard work, and the support of my loved ones, I was able to bring my vision to life. At AKEZA FASHION, we believe that beauty knows no shape or size, and our mission is to empower individuals to embrace their unique beauty through our clothing. Our range of outwear for both men and women is designed to be both modest and sexy, catering to a diverse audience. I am grateful for the support of my spouse, families, and friends, as well as the guidance of God, in making AKEZA FASHION a reality. I am excited to share my love for fashion with you all, and I hope you find something that makes you feel confident and beautiful in our collection. Thank you for joining us on this journey.